Once your order has been processed by our warehouse, you will receive a Shipping Confirmation email with a tracking number so you can follow its shipping progress. For easy access to your tracking number, we encourage customers to hold onto the shipping confirmation email you receive from us.
Orders shipped to personal or business addresses are sent via Canada Post. If you've chosen to ship your order to a Ricki's store, your order will be shipped for $2 via Purolator to the store you selected during checkout.
If you are a loyalty member, sign in to your account and ship to any Ricki's store located near you for free with no minimum purchase required. You will receive a Shippng Confirmation email to let you know your order is on its way. Once your order has been delivered to the store, you will receive a Pick Up Notification email to confirm your order is ready for your convenient pickup. When picking your order up from a store, please remember to bring your Pick Up Notification email with you to authorize release of the package.
If you do not pick up your order within 5 business days of its arrival, we will send you a Reminder email. We reserve the right to cancel your ship to store order and process an automatic refund back to your original form of payment if you do not claim your package within a reasonable amount of time.
If you require assistance with locating your tracking number or tracking your package, please contact Customer Service at 1.800.665.7480 or email us at service@rickis.com. If you have received your order number and would like to check on the status of your order, click here: